Feedback for caro82
caro82's star rating is 5 / 5 stars (100%)
The total amount of positive feedback across all transactions is represented as a percentage in stars, to the nearest half star.
Feedback comments for caro82
Comment after blackrabbit sold #392565 to caro82
Wonderful to deal with. Thanks & ENJOY!!!Comment after imaginethis sold #394669 to caro82
Easy Transaction - quick payment, thank youComment after lepapillonnz sold #369716 to caro82
Great customer, communication was great, fast payer no issues. Thank you for supporting our business with your purchase. We hope you enjoy your rattle it's on its way to you.Lisa
Comment after inkbomb sold #367557 to caro82
Your item was shipped on Thursday so should be with you soon. Thanks so much for buying from us!Comment after badgerhollow* sold #234125 to caro82
Great customer, easy transaction :) Thanks!Comment after badgerhollow* sold #227043 to caro82
Great customer, easy transaction :) Thanks!Comment after hazyprints sold #235240 to caro82
Thanks for the order Carolyn. Your diamond is on the way :-)Comment after artatthevilla sold #81222 to caro82
Awesome to trade with. ThanksLeaving by Courier today.