Feedback for carnevale
carnevale's star rating is 5 / 5 stars (100%)
The total amount of positive feedback across all transactions is represented as a percentage in stars, to the nearest half star.
Feedback comments for carnevale
Comment after sudsbynaturenz sold #580700 to carnevale
Thank you for your order and prompt payment!Comment after judith_b sold #553102 to carnevale
Thank you so much for supporting my little business!Comment after onetrickpony sold #477780 to carnevale
Awesome customer, thanks :)Comment after vosceramics sold #522276 to carnevale
Thank you for your purchase, it really is appreciated when supporting locally handmade.Comment after mixedup sold #522299 to carnevale
Many thanks for your purchase and supporting small business - it's appreciated!Comment after rjclusker sold #484469 to carnevale
Lovely to work with - thanks so much for purchasing my art!Comment after myselfskinca sold #432388 to carnevale
Excellent, no problems at all A+Comment after macramelane sold #415664 to carnevale
Fantastic and thanks for supporting new Zealand made tooComment after makingit sold #432033 to carnevale
Great buyer - fast payment and a pleasure to deal with. I hope you enjoy the coffee stencil. Thanks. :)Comment after makingit sold #432034 to carnevale
Great buyer - fast payment and a pleasure to deal with. I hope you enjoy the coffee stencil. Thanks. :)Comment after woodenkiwi sold #305667 to carnevale
You're a great customer, thanks again for your order and for supporting NZ products.Comment after lovewine sold #305665 to carnevale
Awesome buyer, quick payment .... Thank you and enjoy Christmas :-)Comment after pinkbasket sold #305544 to carnevale
Thanks, pleasure to deal with you!Comment after rusticmetalart sold #302650 to carnevale
A+.Thank you