carla_s's star rating is 5 / 5 stars (100%)
The total amount of positive feedback across all transactions is represented as a percentage in stars, to the nearest half star.
Your products were shipped today, appreciate your support of a small business with your order. Awesome customer, thanks again.
Totally awesome customer! Thankyou for buying NZ artisan made
Awesome customer, thankyou for buying NZ made and supporting a small business!
Awesome customer, thankyou for buying NZ made and supporting a small business!
Many thanks for supporting a small business - hope you love!
Thank you for supporting a small business - hope you love!
Appreciate your return business Carla, its much appreciated!
fast payment, great communication
Great customer! thanks for supporting my Art. To see more of my work and for giveaways follow me on Facebook.
Thank you for your purchase and we hope you had a great Xmas and a Happy New Year!