bryantboys's star rating is 5 / 5 stars (100%)
The total amount of positive feedback across all transactions is represented as a percentage in stars, to the nearest half star.
Thank you for your order, I hope you like it !
Thanks for choosing Sublime Stitchery for your face mask!
Thanks for choosing Sublime Stitchery for your face mask!
Thanks for choosing Sublime Stitchery for your face mask!
Thanks for choosing Sublime Stitchery for your face mask!
Thanks for your purchase, once again. Speedy payment. 5 Stars!
Thanks for choosing Sublime Stitchery for your face mask!
Thanks for choosing Sublime Stitchery for your face mask!
Thanks for payment, have order pickup of your parcel. Much appreciate your purchase. 5 Stars!
Thanks for payment, have order pickup of your parcel. Much appreciate your purchase. 5 Stars!
Thanks so much for supporting little Scott's, your item is on its way in the post today.