Feedback for bolognese
bolognese's star rating is 5 / 5 stars (100%)
The total amount of positive feedback across all transactions is represented as a percentage in stars, to the nearest half star.
Feedback comments for bolognese
Comment after onetrickpony sold #548225 to bolognese
Thanks again !Comment after onetrickpony sold #411015 to bolognese
Wonderful customer, thanks :)Comment after nuku sold #382740 to bolognese
Kia ora and thank you so much for your purchase. I hope you enjoy wearing this shirt, it's a personal favourite piece of mine.Please be sure to wash according to the instructions on the label.
It's on the courier today, tracking number LT924260251NZ. Allow 3 working days for delivery times.
Feedback placed on Felt is always appreciated,
Kind regards, Karen
Comment after danilorreyesart sold #503971 to bolognese
Thank you so much for your support. I hope you like your new linocut print as much as I do.Comment after alandesignz sold #493398 to bolognese
Your welcome!Comment after praktis sold #393874 to bolognese
A pleasure to deal with. Super quick and easy :)THANK YOU so much for shopping local and supporting my Felt Shop by purchasing one of my unique pieces. Hope you get lots of joy from your hand-made purchase. Follow me on insta @herbertandwilksjewellery for inspiration & new products. I would love it if you post feed-back ;o)
Best Wishes from Sally