Feedback for bennyleigh
bennyleigh's star rating is 5 / 5 stars (100%)
The total amount of positive feedback across all transactions is represented as a percentage in stars, to the nearest half star.
Feedback comments for bennyleigh
Comment after knitwitnz sold #538232 to bennyleigh
Great customer! Thank you so much for buying a neck warmer from Knitwitnz :)Comment after ewe sold #538235 to bennyleigh
Thank you so much for your purchase and continued support! A pleasure to deal with. All the best and thanks again for the support. NZ Post courier tracking number is: #0079-4210-3340-0706-8170Comment after littlecute1 sold #537951 to bennyleigh
Thank you for your purchase of NZ Vintage Wool Blanket slippers from Little Cute One. (^_^)Comment after bugglesnz sold #537950 to bennyleigh
Thank-you for your support!! :) Hope your grandson enjoys the socks!Comment after ewe sold #537884 to bennyleigh
Thank you so much for your purchase and continued support! A pleasure to deal with. All the best and thanks again for the support.Your tracking number is: NZ Courier Post #0079-4210-3340-0301-8025
Comment after blackrabbit sold #431625 to bennyleigh
Your NZ Post tracking reference is HD042280200NZComment after mimiandrufus sold #447114 to bennyleigh
Your bibs are on their way! I found a post shop open not too far away. Hope they arrive safely. Thanks so much for your order.Comment after blackrabbit sold #386402 to bennyleigh
Thanks, your package posted 02/09/2021. Your NZ Post tracking reference is HD008917925NZComment after geemarie sold #414580 to bennyleigh
Thanks for your purchase.Gee