Feedback for becssmith
becssmith's star rating is 5 / 5 stars (100%)
The total amount of positive feedback across all transactions is represented as a percentage in stars, to the nearest half star.
Feedback comments for becssmith
Comment after onegreenleaf sold #389677 to becssmith
Thank you for supporting hand made ceramics!Item was shipped on Tuesday.
Comment after wendilindsay sold #367605 to becssmith
Great to deal with. Super quick and easy :) Thank very much. Enjoy your earrings! WendiComment after mandh sold #144372 to becssmith
Thanks again for the fast payment, lovely communication and very kind support. I hope the wings are well received.Comment after mandh sold #141016 to becssmith
Thank you for your fast payment and friendly communication. Enjoy the wings!Comment after croutons sold #103936 to becssmith
Thank you so very much, for your support and for being lovely! : )Comment after littlecute1 sold #41924 to becssmith
Thank you for purchasing from Little Cute Oneā¢.I hope you enjoy making "Going fishing" felt toy.