Feedback for ashandtait
ashandtait's star rating is 5 / 5 stars (100%)
The total amount of positive feedback across all transactions is represented as a percentage in stars, to the nearest half star.
Feedback comments for ashandtait
Comment after vosceramics sold #553135 to ashandtait
Thank you for your order, I hope you enjoy your new egg holder - Studio Vos CeramicsComment after ezystitch sold #551780 to ashandtait
Excellent customer. I hope you enjoy a new hobby :-)Comment after aotearoadesign sold #483946 to ashandtait
Thanks so much for your order, I hope you like the print once it arrives. Best regards, MelissaComment after designcraft sold #290112 to ashandtait
Thank you for your custom. I am so pleased your friend liked it!Comment after sunshine_mkr sold #290658 to ashandtait
Wonderful customer - great communication and prompt payment.Thanks for buying a Little Sunshine Maker creation!