Feedback for arirose
arirose's star rating is 5 / 5 stars (100%)
The total amount of positive feedback across all transactions is represented as a percentage in stars, to the nearest half star.
Feedback comments for arirose
Comment after stohelit bought #567871 from arirose
Ari - I wish there was functionality to attach an image here because Wahine now on my wall and stunning all. Thank you for sharing your talent with us, I'm loving the piece of in my home.Comment after youje904 bought #558975 from arirose
Blown away by the beautiful earrings, incredible talent, thank you so much!Comment after youje904 bought #538561 from arirose
Blown away by the beautiful earrings, incredible talent, thank you so much!Comment after misshavo6605 bought #528199 from arirose
Thank you AriroseMy friend is super happy with her earrings.
Comment after misshavo6605 bought #525699 from arirose
Absolutely gorgeousComment after jessklug7492 bought #505525 from arirose
Thanks for the jewellery Ari Rose, the items are GORGEOUS and very quick delivery :)Comment after shaypilch21 bought #496359 from arirose
Thank you the prompt delivery of my order! I love your products! Top quality workmanship and a lot of care goes into your packaging to ensure a safe delivery! Thank you very much! XxPs. Thank you so much for the complimentary gift X