Feedback for andirainbow
andirainbow's star rating is 5 / 5 stars (100%)
The total amount of positive feedback across all transactions is represented as a percentage in stars, to the nearest half star.
Feedback comments for andirainbow
Comment after blanketstitch sold #541397 to andirainbow
Thank you very much for your purchaseComment after healersgift sold #442655 to andirainbow
I am grateful you chose to look at some of my mystical items here on Felt. The crystal wands that I create are one of a kind. So even if you purchase another one down the track, no two wands are ever the same. I hope you enjoy the wand and have some magical fun with it too. Thank you.Comment after healersgift sold #406723 to andirainbow
I hope you enjoy the Aura Rainbow Quartz Crystal Pendant. Many thanks for supporting my handmade goods. I hope you get a lot of pleasure from wearing this crystal pendant. Thank you.Comment after ewe sold #489051 to andirainbow
Thank you so much for your purchase and continued support! Always a pleasure to deal with. All the best.Your tracking number is: NZ Courier Post #0079-4210-3204-0570-8534
Comment after curlicuenz sold #232568 to andirainbow
Thank you so much for supporting Curlicue NZ! I hope you love the Rainbow Brooch I've made for you :) Warm regards, Suzie HorneComment after vivalafleur sold #457831 to andirainbow
Thanks for the excellent trade experience, highly recommended!Comment after ewe sold #474939 to andirainbow
Thank you so much for your purchase! A pleasure to deal with. All the best and thanks again for the support.Comment after knitwitnz sold #462253 to andirainbow
Great customer! Thank you so much for buying head bands from Knitwitnz :)Comment after stoneycreek sold #461862 to andirainbow
Thanks for buying from Stoney Creek Farm, much appreciated.Comment after eejaydesign sold #418110 to andirainbow
Many thanks for your purchase :)Comment after eejaydesign sold #417904 to andirainbow
Many thanks for your purchase :)Comment after hearthandoak sold #419989 to andirainbow
Thank you so much for your order.Comment after ingastreasures sold #461861 to andirainbow
Thank you for your order. Enjoy!Comment after madebylisa sold #461863 to andirainbow
Thanks!Comment after westmoordesign sold #461631 to andirainbow
Buyer was communicative when I had sent a message, prompt payment.Thank You Again