Feedback for amydt*
amydt*'s star rating is 5 / 5 stars (100%)
The total amount of positive feedback across all transactions is represented as a percentage in stars, to the nearest half star.
Feedback comments for amydt*
Comment after slyfox sold #120592 to amydt*
Thank you for supporting our work! We hope you enjoy your jewels ^-^Comment after slyfox sold #122347 to amydt*
A lovely customer ^-^Many thanks for supporting our work, we hope you enjoy!
Comment after markcatley sold #135201 to amydt*
Fantastic to deal with!Thank you very much for being my very, first buyer on Felt!
You will go down in history!
Ta, Mark.
Comment after artatthevilla sold #130532 to amydt*
Lovely to deal with. Thanks A+++On the way by Courier.
Kind Regards, Margie