Feedback for alic
alic's star rating is 5 / 5 stars (100%)
The total amount of positive feedback across all transactions is represented as a percentage in stars, to the nearest half star.
Feedback comments for alic
Comment after millieandco sold #327884 to alic
Thanks for your order and prompt payment! Its on its way to you today - I hope you enjoy it! MillieComment after sewmama sold #290856 to alic
Thanks for returning to the Sew Mama! Lovely buyer, hope you love your Fabric Headband:)Comment after one2three sold #206460 to alic
Thank you for your order and prompt payment. I have posted this morning :)Comment after sewmama sold #210507 to alic
Great customer, thanks for your purchase! I hope you like ORIGAMI Butterfly Hair Clip:)Comment after george_art sold #208391 to alic
Thanks for buying!George:-)