4natz's star rating is 5 / 5 stars (100%)
The total amount of positive feedback across all transactions is represented as a percentage in stars, to the nearest half star.
Great customer, prompt payment, enjoy the headband!!
Great customer, prompt payment, enjoy the headband!!
Thanks for choosing bibs4bubs. Your parcel should be with you today. Our machine is back and humming like a new one, so we'll be busy getting more stock ready to reopen the online shop soon. :0)
Great buyer. Thanks for purchasing and choosing bibs4bubs. Your feedback was outstanding, thank you soo much. As promised on facebook i've refunded your postage on the latest order. Kindest Regards, Kylie.
Great buyer. Thanks for choosing bibs4bubs, your parcel will be in the post today. We hope you enjoy our products. Kindest Regards, Kylie - bibs4bubs.
Great buyer, thank you for your patience. Your parcel is on its way, we hope you enjoy our products. Kindest Regards, Kylie - bibs4bubs.