Lavender & Eucalyptus Felt Flower Bouquet

Listing image #1052935
Listing image #1052936
Listing image #1052938
Listing image #1052937
This beautiful handcrafted lavender and eucalyptus felt Flowers is everlasting bouquet to decorate any of your home corner , you don’t need to wait for its seasons to come.

Lavender is Healing , higher purpose. This flower is A symbol of serenity and quiet power .

This listing contains two different shades of lavender 3 branches in each ( lilac and lavender ) and three branches of eucalyptus . Measurement has shown in the pictures . They are made wool blend felt ..

Payment options

  • Bank deposit

Shipping details

  • Ships from Upper Hutt, New Zealand.
  • $10.00 Courier within NZ
    (Free with another item)
  • Pick up by arrangement.
  • If there is no suitable option for you listed above, to enquire about alternative payment or shipping options.

Listing #573505
Viewed 432 times