Original Oil Painting - kereru

Listing image #993616
A Jewel in a Verdant Sea

In this original oil painting, a majestic kereru, also known as the New Zealand wood pigeon, takes center stage. Its plumage glistens with vibrant shades of iridescent purples, blues and greens, capturing the essence of this iconic bird. With a watchful eye and a regal posture, the kereru exudes an air of grace and serenity.

Behind the kereru, a backdrop of green drips cascade down the tondo. These vibrant drips evoke the lush forests of New Zealand, where the kereru thrives. The deliberate use of color and texture creates a sense of movement and fluidity, as if the bird is surrounded by a vibrant, living ecosystem.

This painting combines the beauty of nature with artistic expression, making it a visual feast for the eyes and a profound representation of the natural world.

20cm wooden tondo
Oil paint and satin gamvar varnish.

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  • Bank deposit
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Shipping details

  • Ships from Leithfield Beach, New Zealand.
  • $12.00 Tracked within NZ
    ($1.00 with another item)
  • Rural delivery charge applies.
    Pick up by arrangement.
  • If there is no suitable option for you listed above, to enquire about alternative payment or shipping options.

Listing #545927
Viewed 168 times