Listing image #974859
So…are the dishes CLEAN or DIRTY?

How many times do you load clean dishes into the dishwasher and not realise until you go to unload it? You then pretty much have to do the whole load again! Or, if you have dishdrawers, not know which one is clean and which is dirty!

This might be simple, but it will take one of those daily hassles away…easy as!

Available in two options:
ONE Piece - simply turn it around for whichever applies
TWO Piece - perfect for dishdrawers, one for each drawer

Payment options

  • Bank deposit

Shipping details

  • Ships from Springfield, New Zealand.
  • $5.00 Standard post within NZ
    ($1.00 with another item)
  • Rural delivery charge applies.
    Pick up by arrangement.
  • If there is no suitable option for you listed above, to enquire about alternative payment or shipping options.

Listing #537265
Viewed 209 times