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Kawakawa Bush Balm

Listing image #907123
Listing image #907124
Kawakawa Bush Balm is a soothing healing balm.
Hand Crafted in New Zealand with home-grown, organic, unsprayed, and locally sourced ingredients.
Ingredients: Kawakawa Oil, **Beeswax & Propolis, Olive oil, Hypericum oil, Calendula oil, Lavender oil and Vitamin E oil.
Especially soothes Sandfly bites and deters them from biting.
Soothes sandfly and insect bites, itches, minor scratches and burns, dry lips and skin, mild fungal conditions, hemorrhoids, chilblains, chafing and other skin irritations.
Golden green in colour, because of the golden beeswax and the green from the Kawakawa leaves. There are little traces of Propolis in the balm, so don’t worry if you see dark pieces of Propolis.
Gives soothing relief to sore feet.
Before tramping, rub all over the feet and between the toes, as it stops chafing and blisters forming, and helps protect the feet if water gets into the boots.
For bunions, rub on bunions and put between the toes, so the toes can’t be forced together.
Kawakawa Bush Balm - works really well for animals, because it has all natural organic ingredients and is not harmful if swallowed.
Kawakawa Bush Balm comes in Amber coloured 30gm pots.
Will come wrapped, with a card showing ingredients and Best by date.
I also make a lovely moisturisers and Baby Botty Balm, and my creams and balms can be made specifically for your needs.
**Allergies- this product contains Beeswax and Propolis-if allergic to bees, do not use.
May you be blessed with good health and happiness 
Please write to me through this website if you would like to ask any questions.

Payment options

  • Cash on pick-up
  • Bank deposit

Shipping details

  • Ships from Canterbury , New Zealand.
  • $7.00 Tracked within NZ
    (Free with another item)
  • Pick up by arrangement.
  • If there is no suitable option for you listed above, to enquire about alternative payment or shipping options.

Listing #504770
Viewed 175 times